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The Beacon's after high school plans

1. Party too hard in college and get kicked out

2. Walk into the wild

3. Join a gypsy caravan

4. Take a selfie when we get our diploma

5. Flashmob in our caps and gowns

6. Become a cult leader

7. Join a mariachi band

8. Become so addicted to plastic surgery that no one recognizes you at the class reunion

9. Run away with a foreign guy

10. Become tumblr famous

11. Break the internet like Kim K

12. Become Blue Ivy's nanny

13. Spend so much time in the dark watching Netflix you forget what the sunlight feels like

14. Marry for money

15. Divorce for more money

16. Get a new sugar daddy

17. Spiral into depression

18. Move back to Mom and Dad's 

19. Adopt 17 children from middle class families (this is not kidnapping)

20. Become a Duggar

21. Break bad

22. Stare at the sun for 36 hours

23. Make money from posting videos on YouTube

24. Sell my soul to the Pawn Star guys for way less than it's worth

25. Be on 1,000 Ways to Die

Number 5


Number 23



Overview: ✯✯✯✯✯ Talking is Hard, Walk the Moon’s new album, blew my expectations so far out of the water that they launched into space and began orbiting the Earth. And my expectations were already pretty high. Their new sound is spectacularly spunky and gives me good vibes. I highlighted some of my favorite songs below:


Sidekick: ✯✯✯✯ The beginning sounds like a hawaiian remix of Eye of the Tiger. But in a good way. It definitely caught and held my attention. The song has great tempo, but still very repetitive (do you, do you, do you wanna be my sidekick, sidekick x4 ← the chorus).


Favorite lyric:

Something in the air is giving me bad ideas

Something in the air is giving me wicked thoughts


Shut Up and Dance: ✯✯✯✯✯ This is a radio hit and is currently #43 on the Billboard Hot 100. This song has super powers. It must charged with energy or something because it just fills people with a wild sense confidence and demands everyone to dance. It’s so good I put it on my mixtape.


Favorite lyric:

We were victims of the night,

The chemical, physical, kryptonite

Helpless to the bass and faded light

Oh, we were bound to get together,

Bound to get together.


Up 2 U: ✯✯✯✯✯?  I am so torn. This song is sort of my favorite on the album. Or at least it could be if freaking Nick Lerangis didn’t start screaming after the chorus. YOU WERE DOING SO GOOD! WHY NICK WHY?  Aside from that, this one has the best lyrics and in my opinion the best sound. His beautiful voice only makes the hypnotic music more mesmerizing.




 Abbey Peterson

Walk the Moon

 Olivia Pate

Kingsman breaks movie mold

Favorite lyric:

You better trust that voice in your head

That your world is not what it seems

It's not the monster under your bed

It's the one with you in the sheets


Avalanche: ✯✯✯✯ This one’s slower than the first four, but still got the same good vibes. Most of the notes are really high which makes me think of it like a pop lullaby. It’s a pretty song.


Favorite lyric:

One glance and the avalanche drops

One look and my heartbeat stops

"Something in the air is giving me bad ideas

Something in the air is giving me wicked thoughts."

   Armed with British accents almost as sharp as their shiny oxfords and the weapons concealed in them, Kingsman: The Secret Service might at first seem like yet another addition to an already overflowing list of spy movies. But, just like in any form of espionage, looks can be deceiving. 
      Kingsman is the world's most secretive nongovernmentally affiliated spying organization, and operated out of the basement of one of London's oldest and classiest dress shops. After the field death of one of Kingsman's greatest agents, the search begins for a candidate willing and skilled enough to take his place. Henry Hart aka Gallahan (Colin Firth)'s choice? Teenager and petty thief "Eggsy" (Taron Egerton). Meanwhile, multi billionaire and super villain Valentine (Samuel L Jackson) is concocting his own evil plans concerning global demolition. It is a whirlwind of fantastic acting, even more fantastic British accents, adventure, betrayal, environmental warriors, umbrellas, funny hats, stuffed dogs, and killer amputees Eggsy must find his place in Kingsman and try to stop Valentine’s plans. 
    Director Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman: The Secret Service provides an almost flawless mix of comedy, action, drama, and satire. As someone who doesn't typically enjoy movies, I greatly recommend this film. Due to a few distasteful scenes, I give it 4.5/5 stars.

Obsessing over my obsessions

    The first time I remember obsessing over something I was about 12 or 13. I was watching music videos and somehow ended up on the official YouTube for Skillet. They had dozens of behind the scenes videos, and I watched them all in a three day span. I begged my mom to buy me their cds, t-shirts, and posters. She, of course, said no. I scraped together enough money from spare change and doing chores from my grandmother to buy one of their cds. My mom drove me to LifeWay, and I was squirming in my seat the entire drive. I ran to the music section, at the distress of my mother, and made my selection. I looped that cd so much that it skips on certain tracks now.

    With the cd came a download for a computer app or the official fan club. For weeks I made friends talking about the four people that had suddenly given my life purpose. I woke up early, stayed up late, and ignored chores, so I could read biographies and watch interviews.  I honestly don't keep up with the band that much now but they will always be my first. Obsession that is. 

    Since then I have gone through many more including, but not limited to Supernatural, Hannibal, Steam Powered Giraffe, Doctor Who, Fall Out Boy, Jeremy Camp, Brandon Heath, Misha Collins, Panic! at the Disco, House MD, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Iron Man, The Hulk, My Chemical Romance, Star Wars, Blue Exorcist, Psycho Pass, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Vlogbrothers (and each Green brother separately), Welcome to Night Vale, The Avengers, and many others. 

   To me my obsessions are not just something to do in my spare time. They are me, and I'm not sure who I would be without them. They have each given me little personality traits to the point of me not knowing who I am anymore. 

2 done 2 care

    In the spirit of Lent, I'm giving up everything. I give up my wasted time I spend idling in school. I give up what little motivation I have left. I give up.

    With two months, six days, eight hours, and forty two minutes until graduation, I, along with the vast majority of the seniors, have quit functioning. Like the fact that I had a five day weekend, and I'm still writing this column at the last minute. It's a feat if I can hold my head up, a miracle if my eyes are open too. How can I be expected to work when I am coming to terms with the realization that 13 years of hard work and good grades is only rewarded with the opportunity to work harder for 4 more years? Wow gee thanks, I'm flattered. And then of course after college we head straight into the workforce and slave away our days until we die and rot.

    Call me cynical, but don't call me untruthful. I know those small assignments that keep us up at night are worth nothing in the real world. Oh you can balance a chemical equation and recite the quadratic formula? Yeah, good luck putting that on a resume.This makes it even harder for me to muster energy for school.

    I think in protest of the uselessness of senior year, everyone should band together and go on strike. If you feel as compelled as me, meet at the flag pole tomorrow and we'll start a revolution! In fact, I'm not even going to finish this column. Take that, education system!


March 2015

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